Saturday, December 17, 2011

Some Christmas festivities

all the kids waiting on the parade to start

Me and Emmy(my best friend's oldest girl and my godaughter)

Talon(my best friend's oldest child)

Babe and his new camera

I went up to Lake Wales last Saturday to spend my baby's birthday with him and to do Christmas with everyone up there. I hung out with joe most of the day and took him to applebee's for his birthday. We went to see Melissa and the kids and I gave everyone up there their Christmas gifts. That night, we went to the lake wales Christmas parade. At the Christmas parade, we hung out with Amber, Lane and Nathan, Grandpa, Melissa and the kids. I was a good girlfriend and got Joe a digital camera for our anniversary b/c we have also been dating 5 years now, WOW how time flies! Here are some pics from the weekend.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas and some thanksgiving pics!

Christmas decorations

Joe and I-Thanksgiving 2011

For thanksgiving, we had some friends over and then Joe came down later and hung out with us. We are still in the process of putting up Christmas decorations but here are a few pics I have taken so far.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

update of my week

I was off of work this week for the thanksgiving holiday. On Mon, I cleaned, dusted, did laundry, etc here. On Tuesday, I went up to Lake Wales and spent the day with Joe, Melissa and the kids. We went to Beef O brady's for lunch and I think to Woody's for dinner, I don't honestly remember anymore. I got a free chocolate shake as my b-day gift from the beef o brady's crew. On Wed, Mom and I went to Publix and did some errands around town. On Thursday, we had our neighbors and some friends from church along with Maggie over for Thanksgiving. The company was great and all the food was yummy! Joe came down later that day b/c our families were eating at the same time. Yesterday, Mom and i did some errands and went to the storage unit to get our Christmas decorations. Today, we have been decorating and just hanging around the house for the most part. I have work tomorrow-Thurs and then I believe Joe is coming down Fri and we might go to the Sebring Christmas parade Friday night.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

My 29th birthday!

Me and Mom

Me and Dad

Me and Tim

Thumbs-up for a great weekend and birthday!

got it in one try, YAY!

my cake

On Sunday, we flew back home. We went to Outback for dinner and then came home and had cake and opened presents. I got a shirt and money from Nanny and Poppy Young, money from Poppy Foster, a UCF shirt and Olive Garden gift card from Maggie, Tim got me an Amazon gift card. Mom and Dad got me a Ruby tuesday's gift card and Joe got me a Kohl's gift card which I have used so far to buy myself some earrings. Amy, Eric and the kids got me a card and a very pretty necklace and The Kings got me a gift set with shower gel, body scrub, lotions, etc. Joe came down before we left on the 3rd and we went to Ruby tuesday's to celebrate my birthday. Here are some pictures from my b-day celebration!

my cousin's wedding

wedding cake

Father/daughter dance

Me and Lesley at the reception

Me and my cuz Chris at the reception

Chris and Lesley at the reception

Carrie and Lesley(my cousin's girlfriend) wedding day!

the bride and groom(rehearsal dinner)

Me and Carrie

Mom and Carrie(rehearsal dinner)

Me before the rehearsal dinner Fri. night

What fall looks like up north

Last Friday, Mom and I flew to Charlotte for our cousin's wedding. On Friday we got there and then went to the rehearsal dinner that night. On Sat, we got up and went and checked out the southport mall and I got some stuff from the body shop, the facial one, not the clothing one. I wanted chick-fil-a for lunch so we went and found one of those. That night was the wedding and we had a blast! We love you Carrie and Dave, thanks for letting us be part of your special day! We loved the wedding and had a blast at the reception! I had some yummy bbq scrimp and corn pudding along with meat and we all loved the mashed potato bar at the reception and of course all the cake! I am typically not a big dancer but I got out there and danced with my cousin Chris's girlfriend Lesley and with the beautiful bride and did the twist with Dave's dad. I work with kids but I realized after all that twisting that I'm not young anymore, LOL. I documented most of the weekend for my grandparents so here are pictures.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fall pics

Me rocking the shades at the Johnson's also in Sebring known as the "picture house"

Me and our fall decoration the scarecrow

We have a house owned by the Johnson's here in town and they decorate for every season/holiday. When Joe came down last Thurs, I asked him nicely/sweetly to take some fall pics of me and here are the results. Joe isn't into taking pictures but I will try to get him to take some shots with me here soon. We planned on doing it when I went up there on Friday actually at Lake Wales lake but then we got busy doing some other stuff so it never happened and our two photographers, his niece and Melissa were busy so it never got done so stay tuned and you might eventually see some Lake Wailes lake pictures of the two of us.


Melissa with all 3 of her kids, Emmy, Sofia and Talon

Melissa with Sofia her baby girl who is 3

I went up to Lake Wales on Oct. 15th for Melissa's birthday. I got her own cupcake from Publix, a card, balloons and some body spray. I will post some pictures here in a few. I am watching a little girl named Amelia now and still working at the church watching my sweet babies. I have Amelia two days a week right now but starting next week, it will be 4 days a week when her Mommy starts clinicals for radiology. Mom and I are headed up to Charlotte on Nov 4th for my cousins wedding on the 5th and then I will turn the big 29 on Sun, Nov 6th. Geez, where has the time gone? I will be 30 next year and that is a scary thought. Anyways on Dec 14th of this year, I will have been with my amazing boyfriend for 5 years already. Well here are b-day pics from Melissa's birthday and I think everything is updated for now.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I finished watching Jordis last week so for now, I am just hanging out at home and working at the church. School started for Polk and Highlands County this week. Stuff restarts at the church in a couple weeks. Jordis was great her last week with me, we played alot, got lots of loving in and just had fun overall. It is weird to think about her going to school now and just the different nine months makes. When I first started watching her, she was still eating baby food, eating in a high chair, not walking yet, still in diapers and we still had her rocking chair in her room. 9 months later, she is eating big girl food, eating in a booster seat, running/walking everywhere and very fast and is potty trained for the most part. I have been hanging out at home so far. This month Joe and I had a wedding a couple of weeks ago for his cousin Amber and then last weekend, we had a surprise party for his Mom and Aunt who are twins. Their actual birthday was yesterday. The Foster family, Mags and Joe for at least a day are going to Innisbrook for Labor Day weekend, Mom and I are going up north for a few days in Sept as well.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Happy 4th!

Sofia on July 4th, 2011

Emmy and Talon on July 4th, 2011

Joe and I again

Joe and I-July 4th, 2011


Here are a few pics from the 3rd and 4th. Joe came down on July 3rd and we went to the Sebring fireworks. On the 4th, I went up to Lake Wales and hung out at the lake with Joe and his family for most of the day. I had to come home that night b/c I had to work tuesday and yesterday.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Siesta Key beach

Us at the play park Fri.

Babe and I at the beach

Me at the beach

Last weekend, Mom, Dad, Joe and I went over to Siesta Key beach for the day. It was fun. Joe and I got there, had to wait a couple hours to find a parking spot so ran over to chick-fil-a to eat and then went back to the beach. After we left the beach after a few hours, we went to Old Navy and headed back to Sebring. Here are some pics of the day.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Emmy's 6th birthday party and catching up

Me styling my coconut bra and grass skirt

Me and the birthday girl



the birthday girl

I have been off of work so just hanging out at home for the most part for the past week. On Friday, I went up to Lake wales until sat. night. Emmy turned 6 on Friday and we had her party on Saturday. It was a haiwian theme. We had fun. Joe and I hung out on Friday. we went to toys r us to get Emmy's birthday party and just hung out the two of us mainly that day. On Saturday, we had Emmy's party. Here are some pics from it.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Me and Alison in between services Easter sunday

sweet baby Alyssa in her easter dress( my co-worker and friend Brenda's youngest daughter)

Me, Grant and sugar

Me and sugar pie who is almost 2

I had a great Easter! I had 11 kids first service yesterday and 7 second service. After work, we ate and just hung out at home the rest of the day pretty much watching movies, napping, etc. Here are some pictures from Easter Sunday.

easter egg hunt for GBC

Me and Jordis

Laura and sweet baby Hayden watching big bro Hunter collect eggs

Jordis and Daddy checking out her candy

Molly Jane

collecting eggs

Molly Jane waiting to start collecting the eggs

I helped out with the Easter egg hunt for GBC at the sebring football field on Saturday. It was a lot of fun. Here are some pics from it.