Monday, April 25, 2011

Me and Alison in between services Easter sunday

sweet baby Alyssa in her easter dress( my co-worker and friend Brenda's youngest daughter)

Me, Grant and sugar

Me and sugar pie who is almost 2

I had a great Easter! I had 11 kids first service yesterday and 7 second service. After work, we ate and just hung out at home the rest of the day pretty much watching movies, napping, etc. Here are some pictures from Easter Sunday.

easter egg hunt for GBC

Me and Jordis

Laura and sweet baby Hayden watching big bro Hunter collect eggs

Jordis and Daddy checking out her candy

Molly Jane

collecting eggs

Molly Jane waiting to start collecting the eggs

I helped out with the Easter egg hunt for GBC at the sebring football field on Saturday. It was a lot of fun. Here are some pics from it.

Monday, April 18, 2011

some recent stuff

Me and my baby
Me and Sofia
Me, Emmy and Sofia
donna and I at dairy Queen Friday
Sugar pie at her last Mops with me before she turns 2.

I haven't been up too much. Here are a few updated pics.