Monday, January 19, 2009

A fun day in Lake Wales for a b-day party and spending time with friends

Stylin baby with a baseball hat on her head
The birthday boy with a bag on his head

Yesterday was a very busy day. My boss at work has had her baby so the lady I normally help is filling in on the toddler side right now while my boss is out. I had 9 kids at the 10 service and then I believe 6 at the last service. After that, I went to Burger King to get lunch and then headed up to Lake Wales for the rest of the day because my best friend's son turned 6 on Tuesday but they weren't able to have the party until yesterday. We hung out there for an hour or so. After that, Joe and I went to the mall for a few minutes and then to Taco Bell for dinner and then we went back to Melissa and Chris's for the rest of the day. Today, I am just doing laundry and hanging around the house. Tomorrow and Wed. night, I will have work along with MOPS on Thursday morning. My life is going great and I am so blessed to have amazing friends and family.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My heavenly father and a movie reccomendation for 'Fireproof"

If you haven't seen it already, I highly reccomend that everbody sees the movie "Fireproof". It was a very good movie. We are actually going to be doing a series of it the month of February at my church on how to fireproof our marriages, families, relationships, etc. It is also a touching story that made me cry of how a person changes once they come to know Christ and how he makes everything better. I know I don't have to say this to most of you but there might be a few that I do. God loves you so much and he wants you to be his child, a believer in him and one who honors him daily in your thoughts, words, actions, etc. I also know that some of you might be saying well, I do a bunch of good things here on earth but nobody every acknowledges them or says thank you and all I can tell you is to live your life for God's glory and praise and that one day when we all get to heaven if we are believers, it will all be worth it. We serve such an amazing God and most of us, I being one of them forget that. Look at the sunset, the sunrise, look at your church family, look at your earthly family, your friends, your children if you have them and thank God daily for giving you those gifts. I love you Lord and thank you so much for everything you have done for me and will continue to do for me as you write my "Life" story. We don't deserve your love but I am so blessed that I am your child and I can call you my heavenly Father.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Our story

Basically this is our story at this point. After years of heartache and most of you know what I am talking about after a bit, I finally wised up. Back to the beginning though of me and the "other" guy, the one that I thought was the love of my life. We of course dated in high school and then about three years after high school, we briefly got back together. Well up to the present story somewhat. The first time I heard from Joe was via e-mail in Oct or November maybe Sept. of 2006 he had been talking to a friend of mine who had told him mainly hey, I have this friend who would be perfect for you, she has been hurt so many times and just give it a shot. Well, the first time, I didn't respond to his e-mail b/c I had no clue who he was and was still somewhat talking to the "other" guy at that point. Well, briefly after that was when I found out that the "other" guy was talking to me and about three to five women he worked with as well so I decided I was done. At that time, I e-mailed John asking questions about Joe and talking to Melissa and Chris about him and figured what do I have to lose so I gave it a shot and e-mailed him back. We started dating in Dec of 2006 and have been together ever since. We fight but our love is strong. He annoys me and I am sure I annoy him some but we get over it. He is a blessing to me and I love him to death yet to answer the question what does the future hold for the two of you? I honestly still don't know at this point. I wish I could say we would get married, have kids and stay together for the rest of our lives but at this point, I am leaving it up to God b/c only he knows who I should be with for the rest of my life. Yet at the same time, one of our songs is" God Blessed the broken road" because the lyrics are true for both of us in many aspects. I love you baby and am so glad you are in my life and mine.


Hey guys,

Joe came down yesterday. We went to RJ Gator's for lunch and then hung out at the mall, went to DQ, etc. After he left, I watched some videos. We are in the process right now of dubbing our VHS tapes to DVD of "Totally His" performances which was our youth choir at church, Christmas's, etc and some other stuff that we taped. I am watching the tapes now and thinking about how much we have all changed. I am watching them going man, were we really that young once? Anyways, Joe is coming back down tomorrow after I get off of work and I don't know what we are going to get into yet. We will probably end up going back up to Lake Wales but I don't know that for a fact yet. We kept the kids separate on Wednesday night and I only had 2 kids and then we only had 3 for MOPS on Thursday.

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year's Eve and Day

Me and Talon(my best friend's son) on New Year's Eve
Me and Joe on New Year's Eve

Happy New Year and Welcome to 2009 everyone! On Wednesday, I went up to Lake Wales and stayed on Wed night and most of Thursday. Once I got up there on Wed, Joe and I went to Applebee's to lunch and then out to the mall where I bought a couple shirts from JcPenney's and we picked up his contacts. After that, we just hung out and did some errands and then went to McDonald's for dinner before heading out to Melissa and Chris's for the rest of the night. Yesterday, I got up and hung out with Melissa, Chris and the kids and then Joe came and we went to Arby's for lunch. After that, we hung out with his parents some and then went back out to Melissa and Chris's for a bit and then we went to Perkin's for dinner and back out to Melissa and Chris's before I headed home. I have a couple of pictures but for the most part, Melissa was the one who was camera happy that night. I love you guys and hope your year is off to a great start! here are some pictures that I took.