Saturday, June 19, 2010


This week was Grace Bible Church's Vacation Bible School week. I worked all morning for the past 5 days. We had 3 kids on Mon and Tues, 2 on Wed and 4 on thursday and friday. It was a fun week! My group was at the church in the nursery and we mainly just played all week. Yesterday after VBS was over, I came home, got cleaned up, etc. Joe came down last night and we went to Ruby tuesday's, the mall and Dairy Queen. I am working tomorrow at this point and then don't really have any plans right now for the rest of the week yet.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Summer is here!

my best friend's 3 babies, Talon, Emmy and Sofia
Joe and I


After our walk

Baby girl and my first attempt at doing someone's hair besides my own, LOL

On Monday, I still had Molly Jane. I also watched Molly Jane on tuesday while Amy helped Eric with some campaign stuff and wrapped stuff up at school. Wed, I hung out at home. On Thurs, I went up to Lake Wales and Joe and I hung out and went to Andy's igloo for lunch and then made dinner that night, bbq and a country crock side, Yummy and that night, I stayed with Melissa and the kids. Yesterday, I spent time w/Melissa, the kids and Joe. I came home, got cleaned up and we met some neighbors for dinner at our restaurant here in Golf Hammock. Today, I am working tonight and tomorrow. VBS starts on Mon so I will have at least 4 babies all week for that. Here are some pictures from the last week or so.